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Available Hotels Book your stay now

  • Toraja Misiliana Hotel

    Toraja Misiliana Hotel

    Jl. Pongtiku No. 27, Lemo Menduruk, Rantepao, Tallulolo, Kesu, Kabupaten Tana Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan, Tana Toraja, ID

  • Sahid Toraja Hotel

    Sahid Toraja Hotel

    Jl. Raya Gettengan 1 Mengkendek 91811, Tana Toraja, ID

  • Toraja Banua Hotel

    Toraja Banua Hotel

    2 Jalan Kartika, Tana Toraja, ID

  • OYO 91073 Rantepao Lodge

    OYO 91073 Rantepao Lodge

    Jl. Tongkonan Kua, Rinding Batu, Kesu, Rinding Batu, Kesu, Sulawesi Selatan, Tana Toraja, ID

  • Toraja Prince Hotel

    Toraja Prince Hotel

    Tallunglipu Matalo, Tallunglipu, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi 91853, Tana Toraja, ID

  • Wisma Papa Tia Toraja

    Wisma Papa Tia Toraja

    Ba'tan, Kesu, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Tana Toraja, ID

  • Toraja Torsina Hotel

    Toraja Torsina Hotel

    Torsina Hotel, Tana Toraja, ID



    Jl. Pongtiku, Lorong Merpati, No 4 Rantepao, Toraja Utara, Tana Toraja, ID

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